Saturday, 16 November 2013

The list.

Once upon a time there was a lovely girl who was bored to death. She was so bored that she even got into a relationship with a wrong guy. Not out of love, out of boredom. But she was a really nice person so she decided she might as well expand this guy’s horizons and assume the role of Aladdin and “show him the world”. But as we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So the ungrateful wrong guy, also known as a coward, thought of nothing better than sleeping with his easy schoolmate while on a work trip to NYC. The girl’s feelings were hurt, of course, but in the end she was thankful that he cheated on her because otherwise she would’ve married him out of pity and would’ve been miserable for the rest of her life. 

It was a wake-up call for her and she doesn’t do any charity cases anymore. Good things can come out of all bad experiences and they did.

As for the title of this post - the girl once made a list of music for that guy to listen to and that list is amazing. And it is what I have gotten ahold of recently and am listening to now.